I am a research scientist, and I have worked on teams ranging from two (I suppose the smallest group that could be called a team, although I have done solo research as well), to fifty six, if you i...
In Fiction, Write about them as unusual; or give people what they expect. Everybody expects unusual characteristics in their prominent fictional characters (protagonist, antagonist, mentors, sidek...
A little before Einstein's time, people were saying there's no sense in going into physics, since almost all the questions have already been answered, we understand everything that can be understoo...
is there any room left for not being able to explain odd happenings? Yes, the flip side of high tech detection is high tech concealment. Criminals can know all the tricks used for detection, ...
You're asking whether in a story narrated in first person, you can have dialogue? Of course you can. Your MC is telling the story. Why shouldn't he tell the dialogue as is - the others' words as we...
You say it yourself: I feel that he's nothing more than a soulless archetype A soulless archetype is not going to be likeable, whether they are a positive or a negative archetype. So how do y...
When it serves the plot. That's really the only reason you do anything in a plot-driven story. If the death serves the plot, do it. If it doesn't serve the plot, then don't. Don't do it for shock...
I would not provide the consequences; those are detailed in the paper itself. If anything, you have an abstract at the front of the paper that will tend toward that, e.g. We will show that th...
I will presume you mean that you can write and get paid for it, and could actually choose a life as a professional writer, without starving. If that is the case (and this answer is tailored to you...
While names have connotations, those are, most of the time, different connotations for different people. Hearing the name 'Brad' one person can think of Brad Pitt, another of Brad who bullied them ...
There are many names starting with B; here are 1000 most popular boys names. Do a CTL-F and search for "B" capitalized. I am sure you could google for others. Yes, Brad will have a frat-boy vibe f...
I don't have time to read your petition; but quickly here is a guideline. First, you should avoid saying the same thing in other words. Second, prioritize. For each thing you are talking about, ...
It's absolutely fine, and quite correct! It gives the editor very helpful information -- namely, that two different venues have decided to publish your work (and, which, which can sometimes be a h...
Put it in Neutral. As if YOU did not write the paper, but must describe the action line by line. An example from your first linked example: I will also try to show that the unrelaxed differenc...
As Totumus Maximus noted in a comment, the fact that your character loses the fight shows, right off the bat, that she is not going to be an overpowered Mary-Sue who wins everything without even tr...
One character cannot explain their actions to the other without admitting a terrible crime, or without endangering the other. You can put even friends on the opposite side of a chasm; for example ...
If you use Spanish for the dialogue, the vast majority of readers won't be able to follow it. Any publisher or agent (real ones, not the frauds charging you fees) will read your novel cover to cove...
It's dangerous. It can be done well, but there is literary danger in beginning with "An Important Scene", as opposed to an unimportant or even forgettable scene. The danger is in the utter lack of...
Any "what if" scenario is where your creativity must come to bear. It is for you, as a writer, to consider the questions you ask. The first step is indeed asking the questions. Then you find an ans...
Indirect Research. It is difficult to investigate compound events; so break them into two events and invent your way out of the rest. One of your events is amnesia, the other is childbirth. Resea...
I think a reasonable response to this scenario is revolt. He kills himself the second they put a weapon in his hand. He refuses to fight at all, if that means he dies, so be it. He makes repeated a...
how do I write colloquial speech, without jarring too-modern colloquialisms? Fictionalize it. Just avoid the clichés that people would recognize; catch-phrases or gestures or accents, give the...
"Conflict" should be present throughout the book on every page, in this sense: the reader wants to know what is about to happen next. Not for the entire book, but they want to read the next three m...
The other answers to this thread say not to sweat it and just write a beginning to get off the ground. I'm a heavy plotter myself, so I wouldn't be comfortable taking that advice. Instead, once I h...
This feels like a classic example of telling rather than showing. Think about it. In both of your examples, the narrator is telling things to the reader. There's no real story going on there; it's...