Posts by Cort Ammon - Reinstate Monica
One of the things I find most powerful for constructing strategies or schemes which may go beyond what the author could do themselves is show don't tell. If you tell the audience what the strategy...
Your options are: Use modern terms Use antquated terms Use generic terms Use invented terms If you really think about it, that's all you have to work with. However, there's a wide palette of w...
Many have mentioned that you might use km/hr as a writing tool to create an effect. I'd like to offer a global answer: if you're not intentionally using km/hr to create an effect, use mph. If you ...
First off, may I suggest a post I did many years ago on WorldBuilding: What's the smallest change to physics required to allow magic?. I think the first step to answering your question is to unsea...
When you're worried about a stroke of luck behaving like Deus Ex Machina, it is reasonable to think of that stroke of luck as something magical. Because of that, I believe invoking Sanderson's Fir...
The most important thing I recommend is to hold to Sanderson's First Law of Magics: An author’s ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands ...