Comments on What are good ways to improve as a writer other than writing courses?
What are good ways to improve as a writer other than writing courses?
As a novice writer to improve my writing I have taken one online course. I want to ask, what are good ways to improve as a writer other than writing courses?
I think you need to distinguish four aspects of writing and focus on the ones that you most want to improve on. They are …
5y ago
Other answers have already covered rather well the benefits you can get from both writing and reading so I won't rehash …
5y ago
How do you learn anything? By practicing it. And no, you don't learn to write by reading. That is a huge misconception. …
5y ago
I will disagree with everyone! The best way to improve as a writer is to analyze how writers you really like, of book …
5y ago
The best way to improve as a writer is to write. Just write. Then write some more. Then look at what you've written crit …
5y ago
Reading! Read for pleasure, and in the field you want to write in. - Sometimes, read strategically, analyzing a paragra …
5y ago
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Other answers have already covered rather well the benefits you can get from both writing and reading so I won't rehash those but rather to add another - get feedback.
Join a local writers group or an online one where you can get regular feedback from others on your work. If you keep writing the same way over and over without this all you'll do is keep making the same mistakes over and over.
Ideally you want these people not to come from your family or existing social circles because they will be less likely to be honest about what they didn't like, and if you want to improve you need to know both what people liked about the writing and what they didn't.
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