good Wordpress theme for blogged book? [closed]
Closed by System on Mar 18, 2018 at 17:48
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Leaving aside whether I ought to blog my book or not, I am doing just that. Each blog post will be a section, multiple sections will be a chapter, etc.
Currently I'm looking for a good wordpress theme for it. Doesn't have to be free, but shouldn't be more than $50 or so.
Should be elegant, simple, responsive, and a good fit for someone who wants to visit my site to read the book so far. Shouldn't be graphics heavy, as the point is the literary experience. A light off white theme may make some sense.
However, I've looked around on Google and on itself and most of the themes I have found have been graphic image heavy. I'd like the experience of going to my new site to be somewhat like reading a book.
Also, when I search for themes related to authors or writers (or writing) I get themes useful for showcasing the author themselves, not their work. Again, lots of graphics.
So that's what I need help finding - a great wordpress theme for me to upload my writing to, section by section, so that others can come and read it as it gels.
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