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Welcome to Writing, ndasusers. We are unlike other Q&A sites, in that we focus only on questions which can help other people. As no one else is going to have this question, your question is off...
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#3: Attribution notice added
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#2: Initial revision
Welcome to Writing, ndasusers. We are unlike other Q&A sites, in that we focus only on questions which can help other people. As no one else is going to have this question, your question is off topic for us. That being said, I see no harm in giving you my best attempt. Realize that I am by no means an expert. Just a guy with Photoshop running it through contrast filters. The first word is very clearly `John`. It looks like there's a `:` after that. Following that we have `Hat`, and what could be `tf` or `lf`. So `hattf` or `hatlf`. Neither makes much sense. Next word clearly begins with `p`, followed by `s` or possibly a vowel. Then we have what I believe is a vowel, though it could be `i` or `e`. I would hazard a guess that the word ends with `ded`, but the last two letters are impossible to make out. They are followed by `—`. Next line. Either a `13` or a super sloppy `B`. Then you have `a`. I'd like to say it's followed by `v`, but there's a wierd tail on the end, so I'm not sure about that. It looks like the word finishes with `h`. Another dash. I would hazard a guess at the word `five`, but it looks like there's one letter too many at the end. Next word appears to start with `c`, but it could just be a fancy beginning of a `t` or `l` - whichever the next letter is. I feel certain the final letter is `t`. Final line looks to start with `the`. Then a clear `2`. Dash. `182/-`. That last bit is underlined. Based on the three line structure and the appearance of numbers, I would guess this is an address. However, I have absolutely no context.