For starting a blog, is a niche blog or general/misc content better?
I am thinking of starting a blog and wondering how I should approach it. Is it better to have a niche blog or is general/miscellaneous content fine?
What do you want a blog for? If you just want to share your day to day life with the world, that's what Facebook and Ins …
4y ago
A lot of the advice here suggests that for day to day stuff, you use a social platform. I'm not sure that I agree. There …
2y ago
It's like asking what type of book is best to write. Totally depends on your intent in writing it, and whom you expect y …
2y ago
That depends on what you want through blogging. If you just want to share your personal thoughts or your daily lifestyle …
2y ago
That depends on if you're blogging for the sake of "creative expression" to show an underlying theme, be artsy or your o …
3y ago
5 answers
What do you want a blog for? If you just want to share your day to day life with the world, that's what Facebook and Instagram are for now. People who blog these days are either selling something or trying to build a profile in order to sell something, or are specialists with a lot of information to share on a subject.
If you are in the latter categories, than your business plan or the nature of your expertise and the audience you want to reach should dictate the kind of content you create.
Unless you have a specific goal in mind, you won't build an audience and you wont keep up the blog. Start by figuring out what you goal is and work from there.
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A lot of the advice here suggests that for day to day stuff, you use a social platform. I'm not sure that I agree. There's a lot of good in owning your own blog, even if it is for mundane life updates. Personally, I subscribe to IndieWeb's Publish Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere (POSSE) mantra. is one of the best implementations of this mantra. You can have a blog and syndicate to places like tumlbr, mastodon, and more.
My only real advice is to write for yourself first. I stopped worrying about my audience and have been posting more each year.
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That depends on what you want through blogging. If you just want to share your personal thoughts or your daily lifestyle, you can do it with the help of social platforms. If you aim to share your knowledge in particular subject, niche blog is best for you. There are a few niche that can be general and broad your topic such as life, or lifestyle. Life and lifestyle topics can relate to any topic and give your blog a wide range of opportunities to share information. In terms of google ranking and marketing, exact niche is more valuable. If you aim to earn money through blogging, general topic blogs are good.
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That depends on if you're blogging for the sake of "creative expression" to show an underlying theme, be artsy or your own unique perspective on things, or if you want to be topical by showing how much you know about a particular subject in which case your blog would need an overall topic because it would be high-brow and in-depth. Is your blog going to show what's unique to you as a person or what's informative about a particular topic using concrete facts and objective or technical knowledge? Or maybe your blog will be about current affairs so you'll need to write a huge amount of content in a short amount of time on a continuous and periodic basis?
Those high-brow blogs tend to only apply to a small audience. Most people aren't interested in the more high-brow topical things, like economics, playing a musical instrument or gardening.
Also consider if your blog is a light read or a heavy read. The Economist or MIT Technology Review is not the type of magazine or blog I'd read on public transport like a bus. But I sure could with those "viral clickbait blogs" like Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, Indy100 and Upworthy because they are low-brow.
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It's like asking what type of book is best to write. Totally depends on your intent in writing it, and whom you expect your audience might be.
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