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[Not a native english speaker] I am currently writing a novel, told from the 3rd-person POV, with several characters being followed in different scenes. Will the following confuse the readers? ...
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#2: Initial revision
[Not a native english speaker] I am currently writing a novel, told from the 3rd-person POV, with several characters being followed in different scenes. Will the following confuse the readers? Scene 11: POV-Character Joe, in the scene, the reader can see/hear/smell etc. everything that Joe does. But to his thoughts and emotions, they are only made visible via face/body/talk reactions. Example: > Joe entered the bank. In the middle of the foyer, behind a huge desk, the receptionist waited. Joe could see her eyes scanning him, while he walked towards the desk. "Joe Smith?" A Voice from behind. Joe flinched, his right Eyebrow started twitching. He just stood there, and did not turn around. Scene 32: POV-Character Joe, in this scene, the readers experiences everything Joe does, including his inner thoughts/reactions. Example: > Joe entered the bank. The foyer reminded him of the entry hall of the Conneticut Corretion Facility, and the huge desk right in the middle of it brought unwelcome memories of a courtroom. > The eyes of the receptionist seemed to scan his whole body. Joe forced himself to keep walking. He wondered if these staring eyes could read his mind. > "Joe Smith?" A Voice from behind. > Joe flinched. His felt the twitch of his right eyebrow again. Had they caught up to him? What had given him away? There was no way he could run from this. EDIT: THE SCENES IN MY BOOK ARE NOT THE SAME, they are only the same here for emphasis on point-of-view-intimacy. The second type occurs generally later in the story. I am doing it to withhold information or to create a mysterious air about the character. Could this use of perspective lead to problems in your opinion?