Post History
The earliest/simplest I had known and the one that survives to-date with enough support is the classic was: -- (it's already been mentioned in the passing in a previous answer). I do not know much...
#4: Post edited
The earliest/simplest I had known and the one that survives to-date with enough support is the classic _was:_ -- (it's already been mentioned in the passing by @Michael Kjörling in his answer).I do not know much beyond the near-horizon (spatially and temporally) what people did or are doing, but I still use it in config files and the sort.PDL_NAME=devNAMEUninstallLevel=1PST_DEL=OFFAUTHORITYCHECK=ONCheckJobMonitor=ON [was: OFF]DelRestoreFile=OFFSuggested changes similarly are indicated by a "query":PDL_NAME=devNAME [? portNAME]UninstallLevel=1PST_DEL=OFFAUTHORITYCHECK=ONCheckJobMonitor=ONDelRestoreFile=OFF
- The earliest/simplest I had known and the one that survives to-date with enough support is the classic _was:_ -- (it's already been mentioned in the passing in a previous answer).
- I do not know much beyond the near-horizon (spatially and temporally) what people did or are doing, but I still use it in config files and the sort.
- UninstallLevel=1
- CheckJobMonitor=ON [was: OFF]
- DelRestoreFile=OFF
- Suggested changes similarly are indicated by a "query":
- PDL_NAME=devNAME [? portNAME]
- UninstallLevel=1
- CheckJobMonitor=ON
- DelRestoreFile=OFF
#3: Attribution notice added
Source: License name: CC BY-SA 3.0 License URL:
#2: Initial revision
The earliest/simplest I had known and the one that survives to-date with enough support is the classic _was:_ -- (it's already been mentioned in the passing by @Michael Kjörling in his answer). I do not know much beyond the near-horizon (spatially and temporally) what people did or are doing, but I still use it in config files and the sort. PDL_NAME=devNAME UninstallLevel=1 PST_DEL=OFF AUTHORITYCHECK=ON CheckJobMonitor=ON [was: OFF] DelRestoreFile=OFF Suggested changes similarly are indicated by a "query": PDL_NAME=devNAME [? portNAME] UninstallLevel=1 PST_DEL=OFF AUTHORITYCHECK=ON CheckJobMonitor=ON DelRestoreFile=OFF