Activity for Ray Salemiā
Type | On... | Excerpt | Status | Date |
Edit | Post #25098 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #9923 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Where do I go looking for an editor? I think the best way to find an editor is through word of mouth. This is why it's valuable to become part of your local writing community. Writing itself is a solitary endeavor but being a writer benefits from being in the society of writers. Are there writing centers near you where you could attend... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: What is a good tool for organizing story notes? I've just been using Google Keep to keep notes from my beta readers. Google Keep has the advantage of being available from my phone and on the web. As I get feedback from beta readers, either in person or in email, I put the data into a single document. You can also tag documents so as to create gr... (more) |
— | about 7 years ago |