Activity for Gabbyâ€
Type | On... | Excerpt | Status | Date |
Edit | Post #14020 | Initial revision | — | over 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #13977 | Initial revision | — | over 5 years ago |
Answer | — |
A: Scene order: is this order of scenes confusing? IT will be confusing for some people. But are you going to use indicators to set them apart or just let them figure it out? Also, is that scene order going to be same throughout the entire story or are you just going to keep it that way for a few chapters? Eventually, if the readers really want to u... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |
Question | — |
Based on where I put a comma in a long sentence, can it confuse the readers from the way its supposed to be read? One bad habit I have when writing sentences is that I make them too long and have to use commas. Problem: I get confused on where to put them to maintain the smooth structured balance of the sentence. What I want the readers to see may change if the sentence is read differently. Question:If commas, ... (more) |
— | over 9 years ago |