Posts by inappropriateCode
This might seem like an obvious question, but I'm curious if there's been any research into whether popularity correlates with linguistic simplicity. Furthermore, do popular novels use linguisti...
"I can't come up with anything good or worth reading." This implies you have ideas, you just think they're bad. That's irrelevant. You must write. Do you honestly think an artist just hap...
I am not much of a writer, these days anyways. I had written a story which got to 90,000 words under draft two and a half. At that point a few friends had a skim over it and they liked it (to the...
I'm going to say no, but do it anyway. Which may be confusing, but let me explain. Religious groups are diverse, and you won't be able to represent that diversity in your book, because you will...
If you are following the design of classical civilisations and their pantheons, then it's worth considering two things. Firstly, the culture you're creating with inform how Gods with similar roles...
Many authors have written works which challenge political and ethical norms. These usually won't get you in trouble unless you were to make explicit claims about real people or organisations which...
We're all familiar with stories about good and evil, where characters are unambiguous. The benefit of this sort of a story is that we can enjoy the conclusion of the good struggle, without being t...