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Activity for Nero gris‭

Type On... Excerpt Status Date
Edit Post #28046 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Edit Post #26179 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Edit Post #26141 Initial revision over 4 years ago
Question Convergent, parallel plotlines okay?
So I saw Over Plotting My Story this morning, and I thought "Am I making the same mistake?" If so I'd rather fix it soon than later. I then did a search for multiple plot branches and found Are subplots necessary for a successful story?. I'm not sure if what I'm doing falls into either of these, but ...
about 6 years ago
Question Converting/rewriting present tense narratives to past tense gracefully. Not a question about verb conjugation
I decided a few chapters into a book I'm writing that I dislike present tense, and that I would need to go back and make all instances of present tense past tense to maintain consistency. However, now that I'm going back to change the tense, I'm finding it is a far greater undertaking than I had expe...
over 6 years ago
Question Issue of tense and breaking the fourth wall/meta
Looking at another thread on tense, I realize that this one of mine may be misconstrued as me asking for help fixing a specific paragraph. Rather than that, I am asking for advice in general on dealing with situations where the narrator is talking to the audience in past-tense. I provide a concrete e...
over 6 years ago