Activity for A. Kvåle
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Edit | Post #38094 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #38042 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37877 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37756 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37634 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37411 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37281 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37263 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37123 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37039 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #36852 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #36410 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #36075 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #29451 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #29388 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #28997 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #27024 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #26960 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #26870 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
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Do people usually like the side characters more than the MC? I feel there is a common audience trend in favoring the side characters more than the MC. And I believe "literary science" backs that up, in regards to character focus. That even though the MC's character and development is very good, it is harmed a little by the great focus on them, due to the audie... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Should I use the words "pyromancy" and "necromancy" even if they don't mean what people think they do? Your book's universe is not ours. There is allowed to be a dissonance between how things work in your world, and how they work in ours. There's allowed to be different definitions to words in your world, and ours. This effect is especially strengthened by the fact that your book is within the Fantasy... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Is there such a thing as too inconvenient? I find myself often being irritated at elements in situations that help characters succeed, elements which are also highly unlikely or even illogical. But often, if not more, I find myself angered by things that too inconvenient. Improbably inconvenient. But am I alone on this? Is it a pedantic irrit... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Can a fight scene, component-wise, be too complex and complicated? Okay, there is some preliminary information for you to be able to answer this question: There is a sword of great power, a McGuffin, and a destined one who wields it. The destined one has two companions. These three we'll call Gang 1, for simplicity. Then you have the King's Guard, who want to retri... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Is it uncompelling to continue the story with lower stakes? A big piece of criticism I've seen directed at the last season of Game of Thrones was the fact that > they killed the Night King before the finale, and the last episodes had Cersei, a mere mortal, as the enemy. Considering the Night King wanted to instate an eternal night, and Cersei just wanted to ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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The seven story archetypes. Are they truly all of them? The seven archetypes are as follows: > Overcoming the Monster. > > Rags to Riches. > > The Quest. > > Voyage and Return. > > Comedy. > > Tragedy. > > Rebirth. But surely, there are more? For example, riches to rags? That is one, right? Or would that go into another one, like rebirth, tragedy... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Is it okay for a chapter's POV to shift as it progresses? I have this duo in my novel, they're always together in chapters. Usually the story alternates between them within their plot, though mostly leaning to one of the characters, as he's one of the MCs and he's pretty significant to the plot and world. Though, since they're so much together, they get a ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Is straight-up writing someone's opinions telling? When I first learned about the "show don't tell" guideline, I believe it applied to everything. I have now learned there are many grey areas, like for example exposition, and that the most important thing to remember is that emotions must be shown , not told. So, what about opinions? Attitudes peopl... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Is it stylistically sound to use onomatopoeic words? I'm writing a non-comedic fantasy novel, and I find myself using onomatopoeic words, like "SLAM!" and "TWISH" (for the shooting of arrows). To my knowledge, onomatopoeic words are almost only used in cartoons and comic books/manga. Perhaps also in cinematography which is derived from set genres. But ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Is it bad to suddenly introduce another element to your fantasy world a good ways into the story? I'm writing a novel with many POVs, and this is a very flexible story. It started out with a few POVs who had one plot, and now there is a lot more, having been integrated in between those previously existing POVs. But now I'm thinking about adding a new POV that brings a ton of implications. A vampi... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Is it bad to describe a character long after their introduction? I have a tendency to forget to describe character's appearance. But I always describe them, though often a little while after their introduction. So, how long after someone's introduction is "acceptable" to describe them? In my case, (the case that prompted me to ask this question), the character is ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Should I "tell" my exposition or give it through dialogue? When my work was being critiqued, one of the critics said that the exposition given away in my dialogue was forced and unnatural. Though, this exposition is crucial, so leaving it out is out of the picture. The critic said it would be better to break the "show don't tell" rule by actually just giving... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Writing "hahaha" versus describing the laugh When posting an excerpt of my book on a critiquing site, someone commented on my use of "hahaha" inside the dialogue instead of just having a laughing verb after or before it. They said it took them out of the reading. Obviously, this is subjective, so rather I will ask this: Which alternative is th... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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Are connotations with certain names inevitable? In my book (fantasy novel), there's a character named Brad. Unfortunately, Brad has become synonymous with "douchebag". Now, when I first introduced him I just came up with a name. It needed to be on "B", because he was a butcher. "Brad the Butcher", rings nicely right? But then after a while, a tho... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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Is writing big facts about a character's background good when first introducing them? I hope this question is not mainly opinion based, I'm really just looking for a writer's handbook/source/acclaimed author saying this is either good, okay or bad. I think it might not be so good, which is why I'm asking. In the very first sentences of my book, I introduce Nick, the main character. A... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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Is mild sexualization of minors allowed in writing? > Her clothes screamed bohemia, with a prominent cleavage, leather bands running up her arms and nails painted black. In my book there is a romance between two 15-year-olds, and the book is from one of those 15-year-olds' perspective. Here, he describes his romantic interest's clothing style with th... (more) |
— | over 6 years ago |
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How to avoid using "he/she/it" repetitively in action Please do not make this a duplicate, I know there's a couple of questions like this, but they are not quite like my question, and their answers don't answer my question to the fullest, hence me asking my own. I'm writing a zombie apocalypse genre book (yes, I know it's a heavily used and abused writ... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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Is First person perspective more intimate than Third person perspective? I know there's a lot of questions regarding this topic, but none of them delved too deep into if there's a different level intimacy between the two perspectives. People have told me that FPP in a book is much more intimate, and therefore I have written the majority of my books in FPP, but I have rec... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |
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Listing character traits I wonder if when talking about characters (in a book with a third perspective narrator) one can list their personality traits. I realize how that might be taking something away from the story, as I think perhaps character traits should come out naturally within the story. Though, I don't know, which ... (more) |
— | almost 7 years ago |