Activity for TheLucklessâ€
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Edit | Post #39110 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #38627 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #38497 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #38257 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37993 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37787 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37774 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37417 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #37137 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #34545 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #34172 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #34101 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
Edit | Post #33933 | Initial revision | — | about 5 years ago |
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A: Is the genre 'fantasy' still fantasy without magic? Low vs High Fantasy: A sliding definition Humans love to makeup labels and group things, but some [many? Most?] subjects don't actually play as nice as we might like the deeper we dive into them. When it comes to grouping and classifying in literature we have some rather awkward issues in drawing ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Can you pitch an outline? To add a slight frame challenge to the mix: You appear to have headed off in an awkward direction by wondering if you can take an outline and some reasonably polished directly to an agent. And while technically you can try, that route is highly unlikely to yield you anything more than polite smiles ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Detail vs. filler The line between something being an 'interesting/critical detail', and 'fluff/time wasting filler' is a fuzzy arbitrary decision best made on a case by case basis. As such we decide what to cut or what to expand based on what works for our story at hand. There are two key metrics to consider when tr... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: How can I hint that my character isn't real? You've already begun answering your own question by starting to establish the first critical point for how to deal with hinting at a character who is not what they first appear: Establishing what they are. After all, if we don't have a clear view of what they are then it is somewhat difficult to tr... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: What should come first—characters or plot? When reading answers to questions like this we should always keep in mind an annoying truth about writing: What works for one will not work for all. Even what works for many will still not work for all. So sadly saying "what objectively works better" is a fool's errand, as the answers are highly subj... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: A torrent of foreign terms Focus on contextual usage and descriptions, and consider the process behind how you learn new words. How often have you learned a new word by opening a dictionary and reading definitions at random? [If you answer 'never' then you're probably not a geek, and if you answer 'frequently' then you're far... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Help, I cannot decide when to start the story I have frequently made use of a systematic approach to story writing and structuring that can be scaled reasonably well against a few writing styles. I've found that applying the concept has made the process of starting a story far easier as it helps to reduce 'decision paralysis' during the initial ... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
Question | — |
Linux command line based Word Processors? I am on the hunt for software options that may have gotten drowned out in my google searches by emacs, vim, and wordgrinder to use as a word processor in a Raspbian Terminal environment. The goal has been to have a 'minimal distraction' writing environment running on a lightweight raspberry pi confi... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Software for developing a resource Options depend on how complex/'interactive' you need your generated PDF to be, and how 'turn-key' of a solution your technical abilities would require. If you already know (or are comfortable learning) basic computer scripting, then one group of tools that may be worth considering is "Report Generat... (more) |
— | over 5 years ago |
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A: Is it a bad idea to use footnotes to describe new technologies in a science-fiction novel? There are a few points to balance with an issue like this. What is the tone and style of the work? Does the use of footnotes aid in reinforcing the tone and style. [If the main character is technical, and the whole piece has a fairly technical tone and air to it, then the use of footnotes might actu... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: Quote with attribution, but without saying that I'm quoting Adding a cautionary answer to go along with the existing ones: The method used will depend on the style guide you are writing under - There is no one blanket statement for how to address this issue under an unspecified style guide, and attempts to do can readily lead students astray. Some of them a... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: Will my book have a better chance at being successful if I include more gender diversity in it? Maybe. Or it could make it even worse. As writers we need to focus on the point and goal of the writing. - Why are we writing a piece, what is that piece's purpose, and how do the elements of that writing come together to achieve those goals? Be wary of falling into a trap of "Write by Checkbox", a... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |
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A: Every character has a name - does this lead to too many named characters? Details and structure define the tone of how something is read, and names are a detail. Whether or not a character/prop should have a name will depend on how you want the story to feel to the reader, and ties in to the traits of characters (and narrator[s]) in the story you're telling. In most stor... (more) |
— | almost 6 years ago |