Posts by porton
I've sent my manuscript to tens of literary agents. Strangely enough, I received no positive response. My question: Can I hire a literary agent? If yes, how much it costs? Are there other ways (e...
I am self-publishing a free e-book which I will make available in several formats: EPUB, online HTML, PDF. What characteristics should the PDF e-book file have? What should the page size, font siz...
I write a mathematical research monograph. It has a section named "Partially ordered categories". The first subsection (with the most basic properties of partially ordered categories) of this sect...
My book editor says that we need to professionally reflow the text with Adobe InDesign software (not just in a word processor). She asks $350 for the job, which seems like too much money. Do I ass...
I have written a book about my math discoveries. The book is available as a PDF file and as LaTeX files published in a Git hosting under Creative Commons license. Will it increase readership of my...
In a math book, is it OK to have a diagram wider than text width (so overriding the margins)? Also, how do I center a wide figure so that it occupies both the left margin and the right margin (not...