What is the correct way to mark a section as a translation?
I am often in the situation where I would like to cite a source in another language, and as such include my own translation alongside the quotation.
I have been told that translation is a form of paraphrase, and as such using quotation marks is inappropriate as it isn't verbatim.
On the other hand, I would like to clearly mark which parts are a translation from the source and which parts are my own. What is the best way to go about this situation?
1 answer
If this is a formal academic work, there is likely a style guide which addresses this, or an editor who has final say.
If not, adopt a convention and explain it the first time you bring in a translation:
Original text is quoted. My translation appears in italics. When I rely on another's translation, it is in italics and a credit will appear afterwards.
"Illegitimi non carborundum"
Don't [allow] bastards to wear you down. This is a World War II-era example of dog Latin.
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